Why does Theresa May continue to run scared?

Matt Meir
2 min readJun 16, 2017


Look, I don’t want to turn this political.

There’s something that is really, really bugging me right now though — and Twitter just doesn’t have enough characters.

Theresa May.

What’s the deal with her?

I mean, seven days again she visited our Head of State — Queen Elizabeth II — to ask her permission to form a Government and to be head of that Government (despite not gaining a majority vote).

That’s fine. No problem, that’s her right. And, as the Queen agreed (I presume, I’ve not heard otherwise) and she continues to call herself the Prime Minister, she is technically quite an important person.

But, too important to meet the general public? Too important to engage with people who have lost, literally, everything?

I was critical of her prior to the General Election last week, as she failed to meet with anyone who wasn’t already an active supporter of her party. Nor would she enter public debates with any opposition party.

Now, she refuses to meet with the victims of Grenfell Tower. She’ll meet with the emergency services (in a staged, well-organised and ‘private’ visit), but not with the victims themselves.

What’s all that about?

I did wonder if it was someone behind the scenes advising her; but her General Election advisors are no longer pulling her strings — so it must be something else.

Is she afraid? A coward? Too much of a snob? Simply doesn’t know how to be a decent, human being?

This could have been a real page-turner for her.
She’s lost a lot of credibility within her party and within the general public.

Just imagine how things might have differed if she’d visited Grenfell and actually shown some compassion, humility and humanity.



Matt Meir

Matt Meir is an independent developer and designer with a focus on ethics and privacy.